Mexico Hancocks

August 2011

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King of Kings Christian Church August 2011

Psalm 34:1,2 "I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad."
A couple of days ago I arrived at the home of a NEWCOMER to our community to give him a ride to an in-home men's bible study (he has been involved for about a month).  He asked me if we had time to visit and pray with a friend of his whose daughter was having seizure-like attacks and waking up screaming in the middle of the night.  I'm remembering that Jesus was on his way to help Jairus' daughter when the hemophiliac woman touched him and he allowed the "distraction" in order to minister to someone else in need.  So even though it was time to go to men's bible study, we took time to visit and pray with a hurting family. 
It became clearer the longer we sat and listened to her mother's tale that this two-year old girl is being affected by spiritual forces that sometimes appear to her in the form of a little boy whom no one else sees but her.  The young toddler communicates with her mother like many small children do, mostly through gestures and a few words that the "little boy" makes faces at her and teases her.  The most disrupting experience for this family is the middle-of-the-night screams and convulsions that seize the child.  Who knows what torment the evil one is throwing at this family?  So we pray. Without God's divine power we could never hope to withstand an enemy attack of this magnitude.  But we serve a MIGHTY God who is all powerful and cannot be challenged. 
Will you join me in praying that God will cancel the plans that the enemy has made against this little one and against this family?  May God's glory shine through the darkness that once held this family hostage.
Even though the visit made us arrive late to bible study, the good news is that Valentine is leading the men's group and I attend more to help when needed than as the primary leader. Another testimony that God is developing the leadership and making preparations for the ministry to continue when there is no missionary involved on a weekly basis.  In fact our plans for the next 6 to 12 months involve discipleship and equiping leaders who will grab on to the vision that God has given in this ministry and humbly lead into God's intended future. 

August 2011
Adrian invites peace into URBIvillas del Rey, the name of our neighborhood, from Mount Sincoque

Post Script:
The night after our first visit and prayer, the 2-year-old slept in peace only waking up asking for a bottle that first night. The second night the mother said she slept peacefully the whole night through. Keep praying that this will be the turning point in the life of this family and give praise to God for His mighty miracles!

Family News!!!!!
Elizabeth started Junior High this year and seems to be delighted with her schedule and the structure where she moves from class to class.  The combination lock for her locker is red, her backpack and lunchbox are both red too.  Wonder what her new favorite color is?  She loves to read for fun and its not surprising that she is so eager and enthusiastic at the start of this new school year.
Corbin gave school a thumb's up to his new class and to school in general.  Over the summer Corbin didn't want to stick with his summer reading but, to his credit he did it and mentioned at breakfast today that he wants to continue reading "just for fun."  (Thanks Miss Zina!)   He is glad to be "on top."  Cobin entered 5th grade and is one of the older students in the elementary.  There are also two new boys in his class who moved to Mexico City this year.  Corbin seems to be getting along well so far in his class.
Ian started Kinder 1 this year and walks to school with Dad each day.  He smiles a lot nowadays.  We think he is happy to be in school.  When he enters, he does it confidently and quietly going into the school gate.  He says he likes his new school and his favorite colors are blue and green and yellow.  "Yesterday" is one of his favorite words, in fact, everything that happened in the past happened "yesterday".  Yesterday after school he said, "I didn't hit Diego at school today."  He is learning to live in peace and keep his hands from hurting others.